

This is how this works:

The blog will focus on the art of living which basically means philosophy, yet a philosophy that is alive, philosophy with a pulse. Further, this philosophy does not stop at the point of thoughts. Thoughts are only a part of it, as they are only a part of our existence. The physical is just as important as the mental and cannot be separated from it. Therefore, the way you move reveals your philosophy just as much and maybe even more than the way you speak. In both cases however, movement is key. A movement of thought, or a contraction of muscles it does not matter. Movements and vibrations are the building blocks of life, hence the way you move is the way you live. 

For me, the link between physical and mental cultivation have been the martial arts. It can however, be anything. As the great Bruce Lee has put it: ". . . martial arts means honestly expressing yourself." This is where your expression, through movement of any kind, is revealed as art. That is where I want to go: Alive philosophy that understands the physical and the mental as it is, as one, and is therefore revealed in the way you speak, move, think and generally act. No dusty discussions with overly difficult words that have no relevance to present reality, but vibrant and alive philosophy that benefits us in the only time we have: The present!

Again in the words of Bruce Lee:

“Basically, I have always been a martial artist by choice and actor by profession. But, above all, I am hoping to actualize myself to be an artist of life along the way.”

The name of the blog consists of two expressions which point to the same thing. One in German, my native language, one in English. This blog is everything I write and am, expressed in English. The blog "Lebenskunst-Art of Living" is the same, epxressed in German. That does not mean that I just translate. Every language has a specific kind of flow and typical way of expressing things, therefore while the texts might deal with similar topics, the expressions used will differ.  

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